Monday, 2 August 2010

Looking ahead

A few interesting stocks to watch for this week:

GKN tomorrow - Interim results - already said H1 will show £170m+ pbt.  That's £100m+ in Q2 and should be way ahead of expectations.  I'm bemused as to why these aren't miles higher - will find out some black mark tomorrow that I was unaware of no doubt.

ZTF - results tomorrow - already said they will be ahead - not sure about this co and will probably pass.

DVO - results tomorrow, I expect them to beat, China going well.

WEIR - results tomorrow, class act.

TW. - results tomorrow - charts turning up here - buildres all heading sideways so not enough momentum in the sector for me to chase them I think.


FOUR - results should be great imo - very cheap, high growth, big yield.

CKSN - results - ought to be doing well if you read across from the similar co's.

GTE AGM - has a crowd following it - not convinced by these.

NXT - the king of clothing retail has a trading statement - I think things way have got a tad quieter for them ( the wife's had plastic surgery - I've cut her credit card up - so that won't help  :-)

NXR - my average buy price this am = 10.45p, approx, just for the record.


  1. Don't forget Diploma's (DPLM) IMS on Thursday. I bought my first lot back in January at 180p now 275 and seem to be running up to the IMS quite nicely.

  2. By the way, I'm V11SLR on Advfn, CatMan in the stockchallenge.

  3. Watch out for those trader chimps piling in tomorrow

  4. Good stuff CR.

    Reading white copy on a black background is not that easy.


    Simon G

  5. Cheers guys - think this format might work well - not really been a blogger but just realised if you click the heading there's these responses.

    Simon - white on black here looks much better to read - sure your monitor is a decent res :-)

    Will watch out for DPLM - never had much luck holding them - sideways or down when I did - always lookeed cheap, never liked me tho :-)

  6. Oook, oook, oook.

    Your first trader chimp has arrived!

    FOUR looking good for Wednesday IMHO. GKP, is well, GKP - a Marmite stock. Interesting to see if PDG continues the rise tomorrow?

  7. Looking forward to FOUR Dafydd. GKP looking more + but I'll pass - I will destroy the price if I buy :-)

    GKN gonna reward investors that buy here I suspect - delayed reaction coming? 20p eps looks likely imo - miles over forecasts.

  8. Hi there! I'm ChrisG on ADVFN. Been lurking for the last few years while trying to grow my business. Think I've posted all of twice in the past year! Now I've got my Freedom Pass, though, I'm finding a bit more time to re-attach to the market. FWIW, most recent buy was HLO at 148p on the dip following the recent placing.
